Monday, September 22, 2008

One Month Old

Our little Kelly is already a month old. She is growing fast and weighed in around 7 1/2 lbs today. Good news because now she can fit into regular 0-3 months clothes and we have some fun new outfits to wear. The joys of having a little girl. She still reminds me so much of Jake, but she does have some unique traits too. She has more of a round face and different eyes. Kelly loves to be held on the shoulder and her new favorite thing to do is tilt her head back and just stare at whoever is holding her. It is fun to watch her be more aware of voices and faces. Here are a few new pics.

She will be embarrassed when she reads this later in her life...but Kelly has quite a bit of gas to share with us all, and it doesn't smell like baby is pretty stinky. The poor thing cries in pain quite a bit and we are trying some different things to help her out. Maybe she has inherited that from her dad :-)

Jake and Stevie have overall been great with Kelly. The only real issue has been watching Stevie to make sure she isn't wrapping her in a blanket, trying to feed her candy, or stuffing the pacifier into her mouth. At least she is acting with love and not jealousy. Jake has struggled a little bit at going to school and whining and crying for attention. Last week seemed to be better and I think he is working on the adjustment in his head. It has been hard to figure out how to divide up my time. I know that it's just a process of learning a new normal and I'll figure things out.

I've learned again...
** How to function with less sleep.
** How to change a diaper with lightening speed.
** How to get the pacifier to stay in the mouth.
** How to wrap a blanket like a cocoon.
** How funny it is to watch babies make "crazy eyes."
** How cute newborn noises sound.
** How wonderful babies smell after a bath and baby lotion.
And on and on.


The Staheli's said...

Yeah!! Love the new pictures of Kelly. We feel so badly that we haven't gotten there yet. She is so cute and growing so much. We miss you all.

Casey and Lindsay said...

Lindsay and I have a lot to learn.

The Walkers said...

I love the pictures, she is so beautiful Lesa...I can't wait to snuggle that little girl! Miss you!

katrina berg said...

i love these pics! kelly is soo adorable!