Saturday, December 20, 2008

Quotes from the Season

Stevie Kate - "I want a birthday party for Christmas."
I think she means presents.

Jake - "Mom, let's leave Santa a sucker and Santa's reindeer some dog bones."
Steve, later on that night. "I get the sucker, you get the dog bones."

Stevie Kate - "Mom, what is Santa going to bring GranJackie for Christmas? Think...a kitchen just like me."
This was randomly thrown into her rant of what she wants Santa to bring her.

Stevie and Jake - "There's Bob!" The elf...we hear this every morning.

Jake - "Why don't you have very many presents under the tree Mom?"

Jake - "Where does Santa Claus live?"
Me - "At the North Pole."
Jake - "Where?"
Me - "The North Pole."
Jake - "I know a pole, but where? How do we get to that pole?"

Me - "Remember that Christmas is about Jesus' birthday."
Jake - "I know. But when will Jesus be alive to have a birthday party with us?"


Nelson said...

Too cute. I think Steve's comment it my favorite.

Nelson said...

oops. is my favorite.