Sunday, December 7, 2008

Bob Has Arrived

Tuesday night was spent putting up the Christmas tree.

When it was time for bed, Steve read the Elf on the Shelf book to the kiddos. Bob the Elf has arrived to spy on them for Santa for the next several weeks. Oh the fun.


Brittoni said...

we started elf on the shelf finally thanks to the idea from you. ours is named Herman George.

Katie said...


This is Katie (DiStefano) Young. I saw your link on Brittoni's and thought I would see what you were up to. What a darling family you have.

We, too, started the Elf on the Shelf tradition this year and my kids love it. Thanks for sharing this with Brittoni who then shared it with me.

Our blog is private, but it you want an invite you can email me at

Happy Holidays!
