Sunday, June 1, 2008

Saturday Pony Ride

While I was having fun with my weekly "yard saleing" adventure on Saturday morning, I came across a yard sale at a private school and they were offering pony rides. I went back to the house to get Jake and Stevie for the pony ride. My neighbors Jenna and Stella came along with us.

Jake decided it was much more fun to play in the dirt and throw rocks, but Stella and Stevie had a good time on the pony Jasmine. Stevie looked like a little jockey on the horse. Her legs were very gripped and she was hunched forward. They tried to get her up straight, but I think she just liked it that way.


steph said...

Hey Lesa! Stevie is so darling and looks so grown up now. How are you feeling? I'm feeling ready. I went to the doc today and had an ultrasound...they said he weighs about 6lb 7oz and I still have 5 1/2 weeks to go!!!! Can I please get your e-mail address and Brittoni's too if you have it? My e-mail is or you can make a comment on my blog.

steph said...

I got your e-mail. Thanks for sending it. As for the shower, it is more just a dinner to hang out. My friend Jenny thought it would be fun. If I don't see you then, I still want to get together for dinner with you and Britt before the baby comes so let me know.