Monday, March 17, 2008

Leap Frog DVD

I have to give it to Aunt Krissy...she gave the kids an awesome DVD for Christmas called Leap Frog Letter Factory. THANK YOU! She told me Cooper really loved it and learned quite a bit. Even with that information, I am in amazement at how much Jake and even Stevie have learned from what they call the "Froggy Movie."

Jake now sings the song from the movie and can say every letter and what that letter says. He has been pointing out various letters on signs and in books. Amazing progress. I know he has been learning letters at preschool as well so I know that is part of the progress too. Yesterday Stevie and I were looking at an alphabet book and she pointed out "A" and "B" before I could read that part to her. Anyway...I highly recommend that DVD.

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