Sunday, January 11, 2009

Snow Day Adventures

Meet the first snowman of the year…Little Dude. He is a little short and has a very wide bottom…but it is all I could do with this dry snow. The snow keeps piling up, so I’m sure we will do more.

Jake and Stevie got out on skis for the first time this year too. Jake wasn’t sure how he was going to like it this year, but as soon as he figured out his legs were stronger and he could stop and turn…he was a happy camper. Stevie was happy to go with her favorite person. Right now that is Daddy. She held the wedge pretty good and had fun. That is all that matters at this age I think.

Jake's next ski adventure was last Friday with ski school. He and his best buddy Chase got put with the same teacher, Mr. Dave. When I came back to pick him up, I found out he had skied almost all 3 hours and loved it. I have to hand it to Mr. Dave there. We are all looking forward to the next lesson.

Meet my new skis…Joule. I have a wonderful boss who gave me these as a bonus this year. I skied on them backwards down the bunny slope with Jake…but I have yet to try them going the right direction…hopefully soon. They may have to wait until next year to get a lot of use.

And our most recent snow adventure was last night. Steve said the moon was the brightest it has been for 25 years. It was so beautiful we decided to go on a little walk. Everyone loved it. Stevie Kate loved having a head lamp on and stopping every few steps to take a bite of snow. Jake loved to see everything with the light of the moon and found a special piece of ice that he brought home. It's comical some times to see what they like.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

luv little dude, and what a fun moonlit walk!