Monday, January 5, 2009

Kelly - My Lightweight

Kelly is already 4 ½ months old. I would say “I can’t believe how big she is getting,” but that wouldn’t be the case. This little girl is tiny! She weighed in at a whopping 10 lbs 1 oz at her 4 month checkup. That is when the doc said (in a nice way)…”Feed her more!” Bad mom moment…nursing can be so stressful. Who knew that I was starving her...but I think it explains why she only liked me and Steve. We were the food source. Since I started feeding her formula too, she is going to other people and not throwing a fit. Yeah for that…she didn’t cry for Grandma & Grandpa at all last time.

Although she is tiny, she is acting like a regular 4-month old…rolling over a bit, grabbing for things, and really watching everything around her. I love the baby smiles too.

1 comment:

Nelson said...

Yeah for more food.
Just reading this made me hungry too.
She is an absolute doll.