Sunday, January 25, 2009

Blogging vs. Facebook

Blogging vs. Facebook. This has been one of the topics that keeps coming up lately, and everyone has differing opinions. The blogging is working for me and serving it's purpose - it persuades me to document, take pictures, etc. I have been terrible about baby books, but this works for me. And I love to read other blogs too, because I think it just helps keep the connections going (especially since I am so bad about picking up the phone!) I have not joined Facebook, although I have stolen glances at Steve's account and Brittoni's account too. Okay...they have been more than glances, it was a "Facebook Binge." "Blog Binge" is the term that Sara uses to describe the countless hours looking at blogs, so I guess we can use it for Facebook too. Anyway...I feel like I already spend too much time on the computer. And adding Facebook to mix won't help. Long story short...if you invite me to be your friend on Facebook, I probably won't respond....but I still want to be your friend :-)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Baby Jack

Meet Baby Jack aka Jack William Draper. He was born last Friday, Jan 16th, weighing in at 6 lb 3 oz. "Him so cute!" as Stevie Kate says. The hair...

We traveled to Logan last night to meet him and to congratulate the proud parents. Jack is now Kelly's closest cousin in age. And Kelly now looks like a giant.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Snow Day Adventures

Meet the first snowman of the year…Little Dude. He is a little short and has a very wide bottom…but it is all I could do with this dry snow. The snow keeps piling up, so I’m sure we will do more.

Jake and Stevie got out on skis for the first time this year too. Jake wasn’t sure how he was going to like it this year, but as soon as he figured out his legs were stronger and he could stop and turn…he was a happy camper. Stevie was happy to go with her favorite person. Right now that is Daddy. She held the wedge pretty good and had fun. That is all that matters at this age I think.

Jake's next ski adventure was last Friday with ski school. He and his best buddy Chase got put with the same teacher, Mr. Dave. When I came back to pick him up, I found out he had skied almost all 3 hours and loved it. I have to hand it to Mr. Dave there. We are all looking forward to the next lesson.

Meet my new skis…Joule. I have a wonderful boss who gave me these as a bonus this year. I skied on them backwards down the bunny slope with Jake…but I have yet to try them going the right direction…hopefully soon. They may have to wait until next year to get a lot of use.

And our most recent snow adventure was last night. Steve said the moon was the brightest it has been for 25 years. It was so beautiful we decided to go on a little walk. Everyone loved it. Stevie Kate loved having a head lamp on and stopping every few steps to take a bite of snow. Jake loved to see everything with the light of the moon and found a special piece of ice that he brought home. It's comical some times to see what they like.

Holiday Party - Hansens

To Tom and Sara...thanks for hosting our Annual Holiday Party a few weeks back. Even though Tom was sick...the show went on. The favorite gift of the night, and the one we kept hearing over and over again...was the Fart Machine w/ remote control. Every guy's dream, right? Russ was the ultimate winner and we are wondering if he still has it, or if Denett has conveniently thrown it in the trash??

Monday, January 5, 2009

Kelly - My Lightweight

Kelly is already 4 ½ months old. I would say “I can’t believe how big she is getting,” but that wouldn’t be the case. This little girl is tiny! She weighed in at a whopping 10 lbs 1 oz at her 4 month checkup. That is when the doc said (in a nice way)…”Feed her more!” Bad mom moment…nursing can be so stressful. Who knew that I was starving her...but I think it explains why she only liked me and Steve. We were the food source. Since I started feeding her formula too, she is going to other people and not throwing a fit. Yeah for that…she didn’t cry for Grandma & Grandpa at all last time.

Although she is tiny, she is acting like a regular 4-month old…rolling over a bit, grabbing for things, and really watching everything around her. I love the baby smiles too.

Baby Draper X 2

There are two Baby Drapers coming soon. Lindsay and Natalie are due the first week of February…I guess it could happen any day! I’m very excited to meet the new little guy and the new little girl. I think both names have pretty much been decided…but you’ll have to ask them for sure.

We had a shower for Lindsay last week. Here are a few of the pics…


I will admit…the real dog lover in our house is Steve…and they definitely know him as the “Master.” But I do love Zeke and Tippy too. They have a sixth sense that is so great. Two recent movies have made me think about the dogs more…”Bolt” and “Marley and Me.” I haven’t seen “Marley and Me” yet, but I have read the book. Both of them remind us of how loyal dogs are.

If you know Zeke, he is good with the kids, but he really just wants to have his own space and stay away. Last week, we found him lying at the foot of Stevie’s bed while she was sleeping. This is very unlike him…we couldn't figure it out. And then about 6 hours later, she was up in the night with the stomach flu. He knew! Zeke kept going in her room for the next day or so and lying down. It was so sweet.

I’ve been reminded that I rely on them to protect our house, among other things. They also have a way of guilting us in to exercise. Here’s to hoping that Zeke and Tippy are around for many more years to come.