Sunday, November 18, 2007

New Things

The past few weeks have been filled with cold-season sickness. Jake got a bad cold with a fever, sore throat, and cough. The cough has been lingering for two weeks now. Stevie and I briefly got the same thing but with pink eye. Fortunately ours only lasted a day or so.

Stevie is really into saying "HI" right now. The grocery store and everywhere else we go is filled with her saying "HI" very loudly to everyone she sees. And she really keeps saying it until that person responds. Funny... She is saying more and more words every day and really tries to repeat things that we say.

Jake's imagination has picked up recently. He has been making things out of his toys and coming up with things like a "spaceship" made of a tennis ball and two tops to Stevie's bottles. He has also started to imagine different animals living in our house like lions, bears, snakes, etc.

Friday night Jake and Steve went to The Bee Movie on a boys night out. Jake loved it and talked about Barry the Bee for quite a while after he got home. Stevie and I had a girls night out at the mall. season has begun and the mall was sooooooo crowded.

Last night was won our curling game 6-2 (yeah) and then had a great dinner with Cortney and Chris Wessman. Cortney and I were roommates at Ricks College and at BYU. It was really great to see them.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! We are headed to Tennessee and we are all excited to spend time with the family there.


katrina berg said...

Hi lady...:) So I've done the unthinkable and "tagged" you. Check out my blog to see the rules. Have a great turkey week!

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