Sunday, November 18, 2007

Friday Play Date

The Bergs came over on Friday, as well as the Dustmans. Carsten and Jake played with trains most of the time. But eventually got tired of Stella, Stevie and Anneclaire (mostly Stella and Stevie) pulling everything apart. Jake gets so frustrated when the train track comes apart or he gets stuck. But mostly I should feel lucky because he truly enjoys playing with them and spends countless hours arranging and rearranging the trains. His favorites right now are Gordon and the two dairy cargo trains that Nannie brought on her last visit. Carsten seems to enjoy trains just as much.

The boys saw the trampoline in the backyard and decided to brave the cold and go play outside. The trampoline play moved to the sandbox and they had a great time. Anneclaire was content to ride the little bus. Stevie stayed busy in the sandbox after she investigated the entire yard for dog poop and proceeded to pick it up and show me every piece she found. I least she has stopped eating it...

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