Sunday, November 4, 2007

Halloween Day

By the time the actual day of Halloween came, I was ready to be done with Halloween. Too many pre-parties :-) We went to a carnival in Heber the night before with the Johnsons and Grandma D. The kids had a blast and I was very tired by the end of the night from running after them. We visted Grandma Lee and did trick or treating at her house a little early. Jake and Stevie ate cookies with Grandma before we left.

We did go trick or treating around the neighborhood at night with the McClellands. The night was considerably warmer than the usual Halloween nights and with the change in Daylight Savings...we were able to get by with a little sunlight. Jake was somewhat interested in the treat thing and Stevie was content to sit in the stroller. We ended the event with a stop at the Evans house and the Dustman house. Stevie and Jake both tried to sleep in a dog bed at one I knew they were tired and ready to be done.

Jake woke up on Thursday morning with a fever and a horrible cough so that explains why he was not all that interested in running around getting treats. After a few days...he is feeling better.

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