Sunday, October 21, 2007

Winter Weekend Activities in October

Another weekend of snow...I think this is four in a row. We are starting off the winter with a bang and Steve couldn't be more excited.

The kids and I enjoyed playing outside in the snow while Steve went on his first ski run of the season. He and Todd went to Alta to hike up and do a run. They had a great time and Steve had a "permagrin" when he walked in the door. The pictures of the kids were mostly of the one worm that we found alive on the sidewalk. No grasshoppers today, but one alive worm made the walk very exciting.

This weekend we were introduced to the sport Curling by Todd & Andrea. Todd has been playing for several years and is really good. They invited us to come and try it out on Saturday. Curling is quite a bit harder than it looks and you have to really use your balance, flexibility, and groin muscles to play well. I can't say that I contributed to our Team Blackdog win, but Steve did. He must have done well enough...because Todd invited us to permanently stay on the team and play as many Saturday evenings as we can.

A few other highlights of the week:
* Jake has been deemed "very musical" by his preschool teacher Miss Sharie. They had Africa week at school and played drums and did dancing. She said Jake kept the beat really well and loved that part of the day. He gets this from Steve, who is constantly playing air drums and guitar, and scored 100% on the Draper karaoke contest (long story). During prayers last night, Jake wanted to give thanks for the snow. Yet another trait from Steve.

*Stevie went to the nursery at church last week for the first time. I didn't prepare her or anything because I wasn't really planning leaving her there until I actually got to church. She walked in with Jake and starting playing, so I decided to try it out. I kept peering in at her and she seemed happy, even eating snacks at the table and drinking out of regular paper cup. She did really well for about an hour and half until she pestered one little girl too much and the little one stepped on her hand. But not too bad for the first week.

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