Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Autumn Day

The last few days have been filled with great fall weather. We have spent quite a bit of time on walks around the block, playing at the park or in the backyard. I know that the weather won't be good for much longer, so we are trying to soak it in.

Stevie and Jake have both discovered grasshoppers and they love them. Luckily...we can find at least 10 or so on a walk around the block. Unfortunately...Stevie and Jake both killed one yesterday. Jake stepped on one and Stevie picked one up and squished it. We had the "Don't hurt Gods' creations," discussion, but I'm not really sure it had any sort of impact because they were back at it again with the ants. Stevie bursts into giggles when the grasshoppers hop away before she can get to them. Jake usually wants to say hello to them and ask "How are you doing?"

These pictures are from the backyard this morning. Zeke and Tippy love it when we play fetch with their favorite red frisbee. They also get food leftovers and there were many pretzels spilled onto the grass today.

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