Sunday, October 14, 2007

Scarecrow Festival

Friday we went on an outing to Thanksgiving Point to the Scarecrow Festival. Tracie & Taylor came with us and we met the Bergs, the Hansens, the McClellands, and the Coopers there. It was fairly quiet when we got there, and we were able to ride the train, play with bubbles, and do the Haunted House before it got too busy.

Jake loved the train (of course), along with Carsten and Jack. The next favorite was playing bubbles with Carsten. Carsten and Jake actually loves putting bubbles into the hair of Stevie and Anneclaire. Needless to say...their hair didn't move after that. The next favorite was going down the slide over and over again with Chase, Sam, and Hillary. We topped off the day for him with popcorn and the movie Cars on the drive home.

Stevie was content to walk around and explore everything. For some reason she had a "Dazed and Confused" look on her face most of the time. I think the crowds of people and stimulation of everything had her in a zone. Her favorite parts were the bubbles and the Toddler Town. Tracie took Taylor and Stevie in the "contained" area to play while Jake was running wild. Tracie said Stevie was not afraid and just roamed around playing with everything.

And one of my favorite things...the kids stayed awake in the car and took a wonderful nap when we got home :-)

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