Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Quotes From Jake & Stevie

After talking about our trip to Nevada...
Jake: "I want to live with Aunt Nikki and she can be my Mom."
Me: "That makes me sad Jake. You already have a Mom."
Jake: "But I have already been with you for a very long time."
Five minutes later...
Jake: "Mom, I've decided I want to stay with you because you are my Mom."
Me: "Good choice."

While watching Dancing With The Stars with me...
Stevie: "I want to be on there Mom."
Me: "That would be fun."
Stevie: "But I only want to dance with Dad."
Me: "Good choice."


The Staheli's said...

Yea Jake!! I don't feel sad anymore, because I've heard it all too many times now. I just say after a few days then they are a mean mom too!!

Anonymous said...

I luved these...not the part that jake wanted to leave, but that he decided to stay, even though it has been a long time! My fav part is how your affirm their "good choices". I need to do that more! :) hugs!