Sunday, February 1, 2009

Lucky Birthday

Yesterday was my lucky birthday...31 on the 31st. My new little niece was born on my birthday...Sophie Lela Draper weighing in at 7 lbs. I feel lucky to share my birthday with Carrie and now Sophie. Congrats Cody and Natalie! We can't wait to meet her.

The other lucky part of my day was going with the Berg family to the Draper Temple Open House. Named after a city in the Salt Lake valley which was named after a relative...William Draper. Jake even said, "Mommy, Draper is one of your names, not the temple silly." Ha ha. Thanks for getting us the tickets Katrina.

Yes it was hectic with all of the small children, but they all did pretty good. It was just a big maze to them and it was like playing "Follow the Leader." We kind of cheated and skipped the bus part of the tour, which would have added at least an hour to the excursion. But no one was parked near the it worked out great. (Hint hint to the rest of you with small children who are planning on attending the Open House).

Thanks for all the birthday wishes yesterday. I have the best family and the best friends. Loves...


Tracie Bramhall said...

Happy Lucky Birthday again! I am glad it was a good birthday. You will have to tell me more about skipping the bus tour. I am interested.

The Elliott's said...
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The Elliott's said...

Happy Birthday Lesa, sounds like you had a great day.

Nelson said...

So smart. We did the bus thing, and ended up not making it through the entire tour, because of the kiddos.
Happy B-Day! I didn't realize it was your golden b-day, that is such a big deal.