Sunday, October 5, 2008

Success! (at least for one night)

Yesterday we did the big switch - Stevie moved into her new room and Kelly moved into the nursery - Stevie's old room. The biggest concern was how Stevie would do in bed and staying in her room. Success! She napped there yesterday and slept there all night without getting out of the bed. One cry out at 7 a.m. this morning, but then she went back to sleep. Now she and Jake have adjoining walls. I didn't even think that this might be a problem, but it was comical to hear them banter last night before they finally went to sleep.

Kelly also slept great and Steve and I had our first "middle-of-the-night panic" with Kelly wondering if she was alive because it was 5 a.m. Peacefully sleeping, but she started crying soon after...ready to eat. I know we can't expect the same success tonight, but 5 hours of straight sleep does wonders for sure...wonderful! I can probably live on that for another week :-)


Brittoni said...

Stevie's room looks very adorable.
Congrats on the five hours of sleep. I bet you feel nice and refreshed now.

Tracie Bramhall said...

Congrats on the success, I hope it continues. Is there another day I can come and take the kids? I would love to do it.

ldsppd said...

I hope things are still going okay with Stevie - that's a big transition for a two year old.

katrina berg said...

luv the pics...maybe stevie can help ac, next time we're over i'll have to show her stevie's big girl bed :)