Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I was looking through the pictures that I had taken recently of the kids. There were three sets of pictures that had to do with sugar - smores, cotton candy, and ice cream. Don't you remember as a kid how much fun it was and how exciting it could be to get a special treat? I can see that look on my kids faces in some of these pictures. Pure joy!

Jake and I went shopping one day and I rewarded him with an ice cream cone for being such a good buddy throughout the day. A few days later Caren and I took the kids to the Zions Bank birthday party. They were out of all food except for cake, cotton candy, and popcorn. A dream for all four of the kids :-) This last weekend Steve and I built a short-lived fire for the kids in the backyard so we could make smores.

My favorite quote of the week came from around the campfire. I told Jake that I would cook the marshmallows and make the smores for everyone. We talked about fire being dangerous and hot and that when he got older he could learn how to cook marshmallows. He said back to us, "But Mom, when I was a marshmallow, I liked to go in the fire all the time." Really?

1 comment:

The Walkers said...

I LOVE THE SUGAR SMILES!!! Definitely one of a kind!