Sunday, February 28, 2010

Star Sticker Reward - Bowling!

The Houghs have been doing star sticker charts for the kids for good behavior, chores, etc.  We decide as a family what the reward will be and when Jake and Stevie achieve the goal, we go do something fun.  This time it was bowling at the new local bowling alley - Jupiter Bowl. 

We went on Family Night for a good deal because the place is pricey!  I recommend going on Tuesday nights at 5:30 so you can get the deal.  It is an experience with an arcade, a restaurant, a bar, a private 4-lane area and then the regular bowling area.  Big and I'm sure that is why it is so expensive.  It was a blast...and even Kelly had a good time just taking it all in.  I was terrible at bowling; really nothing unusual...even the kids beat me.  But Steve was on a roll with strikes and spares.  Jake totally got it and we didn't really have to help him much.  Stevie Kate definitely needed help carrying the ball and rolling it so it actually made it all the way down the lane.  Fun times...

1 comment:

The Staheli's said...

Sounds like a lot of fun!! Game on Steve. I am up for the challenge. HaHa! I need to get back to those good old chore charts then maybe I wouldn't talk (scream) so much!!