Sunday, October 25, 2009

The "Lil' Devil" Is Crawling

Kelly is finally crawling! Steve will post some video later, but it is pretty cute. She is gaining speed every day and creating some chaos with Jake and Stevie. They think is it cute and all...until she grabs their stuff, ruins their puzzle, etc. So after seeing her Halloween outfit last night...they have nicknamed her the "Lil Devil." I'll have to correct that after while :-) I have seen a change this week with how they sometimes treat her a playmate instead of the baby. Only for part of the time, but it has been a bit of a change for sure. Love this new picture with them all doing the same thing.


The Staheli's said...

yeah for Kelly!! She looks so grown up next to them on the bikes. Love ya!!

Anonymous said...

go kelly go!