Monday, November 10, 2008

Jake's Dreamy Weekend

Jake had the best weekend and I'm so glad. When Kelly arrived, I was expecting Stevie Kate to react and be jealous. But it was Jake instead. He has had a hard time adjusting to getting less of Mom and Dad's time. Or maybe the bigger issue is us expecting more of him because he is the oldest. He even said to me a few weeks back "But I don't want to be the oldest!" That was after I told him over and over that day that he had to help because he was the oldest. Anyway...Steve and I are trying to give him more respect, more privileges, and some alone time with us. Hopefully our efforts will make up for the other stuff. Let's be honest...we won't be able to match this weekend very often, but at least we started with a bang.

Friday night he went ice skating for the first time with Dad. And wow...I knew he needed a haircut, but it appears that he couldn't see at all beneath that hair.

He loved going fast and came home very proud of the night. Saturday morning Andrea, Todd, and Lauren called to see if he wanted to go see a movie with them. What a dream come true.

Lauren is Jake's biggest crush and she is a cutie. Too bad she is already taken and about 15 years too old for him. He got french fries, candy, and popcorn..and surprise...he didn't even get sick after that:-)

I took him to get his hair cut on Saturday afternoon and then we picked up his favorite babysitter - Kennadi. Another crush. He woke up Sunday morning asking for her instead of me. Sunday night the Evans clan had us over for an elk feast. Jake got to see Lauren again and show off his singing style on the Rock Band version of Wii.

After all of that...he was a ball of smiles.

1 comment:

steph said...

How fun for Jake! You guys are so good to notice and give him that extra time. We have noticed the same thing with Parker and are also trying to give him the extra stuff he needs. Kelly is getting so big! I hope things are going well. By the way, we still have not gotten our pictures yet. I'm going to call Katie tomorrow.