Monday, February 25, 2008

Carrie & Shane's Wedding Week

Due to a malfunctioning camera...I have absolutely no pictures from Carrie and Shane's wedding. Good thing all of my siblings took plenty. Steve and I captured plenty of video, but for some reason we can't figure out how to post them on a blog.

Anyway...Carrie and Shane are married! Carrie Ann Draper is now officially Carrie Ann Hunter. The wedding was Friday, February 15, which also happens to be Cody's birthday. Happy Happy Birthday. The day went off without a hitch expect for the power outage at Trolley Square. The Hunters had planned the wedding lunch at Rodezio Grill and it had to be moved last minute to another restaurant nearby. But it turned out just fine.

It is always fun to hang out with the entire Draper clan. I know my kids love to be around their cousins. Unfortunately Stevie had kind of a rough day and cried in almost every picture. But I guess that can be considered cute for a 1 1/2 year old. Right? The 5 little girls looked adorable in their brown "bridesmaid" dresses. And the boys all looked handsome in their brown pants and red ties. Jake wasn't sure if he liked Carrie as a "princess." In fact he asked me before we went to Idaho Falls if I could ask Carrie "not to be a princess again." I thought she looked beautiful, but I guess children don't like change.

Carrie & Shane went to Grand Targhee for their honeymoon and then came back to move into their apartment in Idaho Falls. The week continued when most of us traveled to Idaho Falls last weekend for an Open House at Shane's church. The Hunters are such a nice family and Shane's dad James loved to be around all of the kids. He will make an awesome grandpa.

Thanks to Mom & Dad, the Hunters, and Carrie & Shane for all the hard work.

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