Sunday, April 25, 2010

Kelly's New Words

Kelly has been talking quite a bit in the last month or so...but she has picked up the pace in learning new words...especially in the last week.  She loves to say "Please, Thank You, Stevie, Kelly, Outside, Tippy, All Done, Mia, Top, Up"  Most of the words come out with a very high and sweet-sounding tone.  She says those all in her own way...probably only that a Mom can understand.  Great progress though!  We are trying to teach more signs too.  Anything is better than the screaming and crying to try to make us understand what she wants. 


The Staheli's said...

We had a lot of fun when you guys came down. Sorry it is a crazy time. The kids were so sad to see you leave. They ask when you are coming back. Thanks for coming and visiting us. Can you believe Tracie is back to civilization and has internet yeah!!

Lauren McQuiston said...

Im so glad Mia mad the list! and just for the record I understood all of her words the other night! she is so cute

Suzie said...

Lesa, it was so fun to see you the other night! Let's make it a regular occurance! It looks like you guys are having so much fun! I can't believe how big your kids have gotten, they are so cute!!!